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Showing 81–100 of 342 results
  • Event

    COPE Forum: September 2023

    COPE Members: join us for the COPE Forum where participants discuss publication ethics issues submitted by Members. The Forum will begin with a discussion on "Peer review models" before we ask participants for advice on Members' cases. REGISTER TODAY Submit a case to…
  • News

    Two new flowcharts and two revisions

    …flowcharts have been added to the 'full set of flowcharts' PDF:…
  • News

    COPE at Wiley research seminar, Japan

    …related to open science/research and open data. The research seminar was attended by about 80 senior professionals working in research and/or its global communication in the academic, publishing, corporate, and non-profit sectors. …
  • Case

    Conflicts of interest between authors and editors

    Recently, we have received a manuscript submitted by our Editor in Chief (EiC), with almost all of the Editorial Board Members and some of our authors of previous submissions as co-authors. In dealing with this we noticed that some of our previous published articles currently have conflicts of interest between the authors and the Academic Editor (AE). Our peer review policy states that…
  • Event

    APAME 2013 Tokyo

    COPE will hold two 90 minute sessions on the afternoon of 3 August during the annual congress of the Asia Pacific Association of Medical Journal Editors (APAME) in association…
  • Case

    Late addition of co-authors

    …authors claimed that the corresponding author did not have that much experience in article publication previously, and so did not pay attention to the list of authors. This is how the other authors' names were missed. It should be noted that the other six authors are included on their profile now. However, it is not possible to follow the exact date that these names are added to the profile.
  • Case

    Attempt at dual publication

    …comparison found the manuscripts to be approximately 90% the same, with entire sections duplicated. Differences comprised slightly poorer language usage in the recent submission, some single sentence updates, one extra paragraph in one section and some changes to the conclusions. Some sections from the published review had been deleted to fit our shorter word limits. No reference to the earlier publication…
  • News

    Authorship, a blunt tool: "20 Jahre Research Integrity in Deutschland Was hat sich verändert? Wie geht es weiter?"

    …href="">Geri Pearson and Chris Graf
  • Webform

    COPE integrity workshop 2021

    …alt="Photo of COPE Council Member, Tara Hoke" src="/files/styles/140_wide/public/council/tara_hoke_sm_smarch.jpg" style="float:left; height:122px; margin:3px; width:90px" />Tara Hoke is General Counsel for the American Society of Civil Engineers, publisher of 35 peer-reviewed journals in the subject of civil engineering research and practice. Tara is…
  • Event

    Scholarly publishing in a connected world: Turning disruptions into opportunities

    …publishing industry more widely. There will be tips on how to spot and deal with suspected paper mill submissions and guidance on how to manage large scale paper mills. Read more and register…
  • News

    In the news: February 2018 Digest

    …would be associated with higher rates of this behavior. One journal used badges and the other did not. The rate of data sharing, but not code sharing, was higher in the journal that awarded badges. While the results were only modest, the authors suggest that this is a reasonable, low cost way of incentivizing code and data sharing.
  • News

    Letter from the COPE co-Chairs: August 2018

    …href="">Geri Pearson and Chris Graf
  • News

    Letter from the COPE co-Chairs: February 2019

    …/File:Hellogoodbye_logo.svg COPE co-chairs Chris Graf and Geri Pearson 
  • News

    Letter from the COPE co-Chairs: March 2019

  • Case

    What constitutes authorship?

    …X revised the paper and submitted it to our journal. Author X did not include author Y as an author, but listed Y’s contribution in the acknowledgments. Following notification of acceptance and online publication, author Y complained to the editor, insisting that he should be added as an author by the journal without reference to author X. The editor contacted author X who indicated that author Y did not…
  • Case

    A pre-submission inquiry with a bribe

    We recently received a pre-submission inquiry from an author, who identified as being fairly inexperienced with writing papers. At first glance it was a fairly standard pre-submission inquiry. The author mentioned the titles of two papers they allegedly had wrote and wondered whether we might be potentially interested in them. The author added that they had a colleague who would also be…
  • Event

    ISMPP European Meeting 2019

    …ahead of news, views, and controversies Looking to the future and adapting to the changing world Maintaining integrity and leadership as a publication/communication professional Preparing themselves as new medical publication professionals in The Training Zone (added this year) More…
  • Case

    Licence for a published scale

    …(but not published) manuscript that used the scale. We asked the authors, after acceptance, to obtain the correct permissions (they had not done so initially). They subsequently acquired the correct license, but the scale’s developer came back with a number of comments on the paper that he was requiring the authors to make prior to publication. This included adding three of his own papers to the…
  • Case

    Removal of an author

    A paper was submitted to a journal with authors A, B, C, D and E. The paper was peer reviewed. Before acceptance, the corresponding author asked for a new author, author F, to be added, and an existing author, author C, to be removed. The editorial office asked all of the authors (authors A, B, C, D, E and F) to complete a change of authorship request form and for the corresponding…
  • News

    Letter from the COPE Chair: August 2019

    …European colleagues there. Best wishes, COPE Chair Deborah Poff…
