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Showing 81–100 of 369 results
  • Case

    Retrospective ethical approval?

    …ethics committee who would consider giving this retrospectively. A subsequent email from the chairman of the ethics committee to the journal expressed doubt about the value of retrospective approval, pointing out that when a study was reviewed prospectively it was possible to suggest changes to the protocol, which obviously could not be done when it was viewed retrospectively. The chairman added that…
  • News

    Post-publication discussions and corrections focus

    …--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read November Digest: Post-Publication Discussions and Corrections. This issue of Digest announces new resources What to do if you Suspect Image Manipulation in a Published…
  • Event

    ALPSP Workshop, Publication Ethics: Fraud and misconduct

    This is a practical course to help you understand your legal and ethical obligations and implement a successful diversity and inclusion strategy in your workplace. Diversity and inclusion have never been higher on the news and social agenda than at present, and this course will…
  • Case

    Plagiarism or redundant publication?

    A manuscript was submitted with a covering letter clearly stating the originality and unpublished nature of the work. The authors stated that the results had already been orally presented at a meeting the previous year. Before sending the manuscript for review the editors discovered that the manuscript contained 60% of the Materials and Methods text and 90% of the Results section of…
  • Event

    Pakistan Association of Medical Editors (PAME) Conference

    COPE Council member, Behrooz Astaneh, with present a talk about COPE, as well as moderate a workshop on publication ethics, at the Pakistan Association of Medical Editors (PAME) Conference in Lahore, 26-27 April.  The programme can be found here.      …
  • Case

    Duplicate submission or self plagiarism. Is the author to blame?

    …proceedings. The reviewer sent us the article downloaded from the conference website highlighting the overlapping paragraphs, which was nearly 80%.    The journal wrote to the authors asking for an explanation. The authors stated that they had submitted an abstract of their work for participation in the international conference. The abstract was accepted on the condition that they submitted the…
  • News

    Letter from the COPE Chair: September 2022

    …pleased by the interest we have received from institutions around the world and fully welcome their participation in future conversations around publication ethics. So, once again, enjoy Peer Review Week and I hope to see you at many of the events. Dan Kulp, COPE Chair
  • Event

    COPE Forum: September 2023

    COPE Members: join us for the COPE Forum where participants discuss publication ethics issues submitted by Members. The Forum will begin with a discussion on "Peer review models" before we ask participants for advice on Members' cases. REGISTER TODAY Submit a case to…
  • Case

    Suspicion that signed informed consent forms are forged

    …for educative purposes. The editors should also consider whether there is enough evidence to suggest research misconduct, in which case the authors’ institution should be informed (in neutral terms, with the authors potentially copied).  The editors may find COPE’s guidance on
  • Event

    APAME 2013 Tokyo

    COPE will hold two 90 minute sessions on the afternoon of 3 August during the annual congress of the Asia Pacific Association of Medical Journal Editors (APAME) in association…
  • Case

    Possible duplicate publication?

    A journal accepted a paper and then discovered that a very similar paper by the same authors had been published in another journal the previous year. The latter journal carried the piece as a short report while the former planned to publish it as a full paper. The full paper carries extended research on oral and maxillofacial surgeons while the short report looks only at attitudes of den…
  • News

    Authorship, a blunt tool: "20 Jahre Research Integrity in Deutschland Was hat sich verändert? Wie geht es weiter?"

    …href="">Geri Pearson and Chris Graf
  • Webform

    COPE integrity workshop 2021

    …alt="Photo of COPE Council Member, Tara Hoke" src="/files/styles/140_wide/public/council/tara_hoke_sm_smarch.jpg" style="float:left; height:122px; margin:3px; width:90px" />Tara Hoke is General Counsel for the American Society of Civil Engineers, publisher of 35 peer-reviewed journals in the subject of civil engineering research and practice. Tara is…
  • Case

    Conflicts of interest between authors and editors

    Recently, we have received a manuscript submitted by our Editor in Chief (EiC), with almost all of the Editorial Board Members and some of our authors of previous submissions as co-authors. In dealing with this we noticed that some of our previous published articles currently have conflicts of interest between the authors and the Academic Editor (AE). Our peer review policy states that…
  • Case

    “Inadvertent” duplicate publication

    …3 Additional data had been added to the paper for one journal which had been omitted for the short report in the other journal.…
  • News

    Wiley launch new ethics guidelines

    Wiley has launched the second edition of its Best Practice Guidelines on Publishing Ethics: A Publisher’s Perspective. In the new edition, guidance has been added about whistle-blowers, animal research and clinical research, particularly around clinical trial registration. The press release can be read in full
  • News

    In the news: January 2021

    …economics, medicine, physics and psychology were surveyed about various peer review issues. 49% reported checking all manuscripts for plagiarism, 61% allowed authors to recommend for or against specific reviewers, and fewer than 6% used a form of open peer review. 91% identified at least one circumstance in which it was acceptable for…
  • News

    Letter from the COPE co-Chairs: August 2018

    …href="">Geri Pearson and Chris Graf
  • News

    Letter from the COPE co-Chairs: February 2019

    …/File:Hellogoodbye_logo.svg COPE co-chairs Chris Graf and Geri Pearson 
  • News

    Letter from the COPE co-Chairs: March 2019

