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Showing 101–120 of 167 results
  • News

    In the news: February 2022

    …pandemic rapidly developed, massive research outputs were published in preprint servers and peer-review journals. Neither venue performed flawlessly and the research community look for ways to improve the processes. This preprint describes 14 principles, clustered around four broad themes: Focused, Appropriate, Specific, Transparent…
  • Case

    A case with no independent institution to investigate

    We were contacted by a lawyer acting on behalf of the last author (author A) of two research articles published in our journals. Both articles are co-authored by one other author (author B), who was the corresponding author. Author A claims not to have been aware of the submission and also raises concerns that the timelines and dates of the before and after photos reported in the articles are i…
  • Case

    Possible omission of information essential for conclusions in a research paper

    In 2013, our journal published a paper describing an observational study comparing two drugs (A and B) for the management of a chronic disease over a period of 10 years. The conclusion in the paper was that mortality was higher in group A (97 deaths) compared with the other group B (52 deaths) (hazard ratio 1.76, 1.22 to 2.53; P=0.003). This analysis was done after adjustment for a large number…
  • Case

    Duplicate publication and removal of article

    The editor of journal A was alerted to the fact that an article published in journal A had been previously published in journal B and constituted a duplicate publication. The editor contacted the authors who explained that they had tried to withdraw the article from journal B but their request was ignored and the article was published against their wishes. The authors contacted journal B…
  • Case

    Removal of an author

    A paper was submitted to a journal with authors A, B, C, D and E. The paper was peer reviewed. Before acceptance, the corresponding author asked for a new author, author F, to be added, and an existing author, author C, to be removed. The editorial office asked all of the authors (authors A, B, C, D, E and F) to complete a change of authorship request form and for the corresponding autho…
  • Case

    Change of corresponding author after manuscript published online

    On submission of a manuscript to a journal, one of the authors was indicated as the corresponding author. During the submission, review, and revision process, and also through copyediting and proofreading, the corresponding author responded to all emails, signed the publishing agreements, and was generally available. At this time, the authors of the manuscript did not mention a possible change…
  • Case

    Reviewer misconduct and its potential impact on an submitted manuscript

    Author X raised concerns that confidential information obtained during the peer review of their submission with Journal Y had been misappropriated by one of the reviewers of their submission (reviewer Z). Author X believed that reviewer Z had used this confidential information in order to silently alter code published by reviewer Z with repository R, which contained errors that were high…
  • Event

    COPE Lightning Talk: AI

    30 January 2024, 13:00-14:00 GMT / UTC COPE members only New for 2024 COPE introduces Lightning Talks! We've created these to increase awareness and confidence in specific topics. Each talk will begin with a short introduction from experts, and then open up to discussion and questions from the audience. Join us to learn more, let us know your thoughts…
  • News

    In the News: July Digest

    …for improvement.…
  • News

    In the news: March Digest

    …and NFAIS, have announced a merger, with the new organisation named NISO and headed by Todd Carpenter. Journal management The deadline for submissions of responses to the…
  • Event

    COPE North American Seminar and Forum 2011

    …to the administrator by 14 October 2010.…
  • Case

    Dispute among authors

    Our journal has received a paper describing a study that originated as more than one trial in more than one country, with collaboration by researchers in another country. The DSMB considered and agreed a proposal to combine the trials. It took many months to finally submit the manuscript to the journal after the end of trial. The delay in submission was caused b…
  • News

    Letter from the COPE Chair: December 2021

    …-the-who-of-peer-review-is-important/">Scholarly Kitchen on maximising participation from diverse contributors, APA who have expanded demographic data collection,
  • Case

    Duplicate publication

    In 2003 a paper was published in a specialist surgical journal following proper peer review.  The paper summarised the experience of a group of clinicians concerned in treating malignancy in the Head and Neck using a novel method of therapy - and was a case series of 25 patients.  The paper was not considered to be one of high priority but was published because of the paucity of information con…
  • Case

    Potential fabrication of data in primary studies included in a meta-analysis accepted for publication

    Journal A has accepted a meta-analysis for publication. As is standard practice for many articles accepted in this journal, a key expert (Professor X) in the relevant field was invited to submit a commentary on the paper. Professor X expressed concerns to the journal that “we believe that some of the papers included in the review could be either fabricated or at best are heavily plagiarised”. T…
  • Case

    Authorship dispute and possible unreported protocol amendment

    Our journal accepted a randomised controlled trial for publication which has not yet been published online. In the submitted paper, the randomised controlled trial is described as commencing in 2004 with completion in 2011. We have received an email and telephone call from an individual not listed as an author or reviewer of the paper with the following alleged disputes:• He was an invest…
  • News

    WCRI 2019: Responsible authorship panel

    …to manage.  The five most common problems include: claims of stolen data, methods, or intellectual content (31%); incomplete, inconclusive, or suspicious institutional investigations (18%); undeclared conflicts of interest (18%); misconduct in conducting, analysing, or reporting findings (19%); and duplicate publication or salami slicing (14%). Specific author behaviours leading to disputes…
  • COPE webinar: Diversity, equity and inclusion

    …Diversity, equity and inclusion in scholarly research and publishing Friday 28 May 2021, 13:00-14:30 (British Summer Time) (UTC + 1) Find out what time this is in your country Thanks to everyone who attended the webinar. The 
  • Case

    Authors’ contributions and involvement by medical communications company

    The editorial office was contacted by someone who indicated that s/he has been working with a medical communications company on several manuscripts and has become concerned about the minimal extent of the authors’ contributions to manuscripts handled by the company. The work requested by the company goes beyond language editing, and involves developing parts of manuscripts into narrative on the…
