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Search results for 'International Standards'

Showing 1541–1560 of 1692 results
  • News

    In the news: June 2020

    …target="_blank"> Misconduct A cross-publisher group is working to set standards for software to screen images for evidence of alteration, similar to iThenticate checks for plagiarism. Journal Management Researchers…
  • Potential paper mills

    …/network/featured-content/software-to-improve-reliability-of-research-image-data-wiley-lumina-and-researchers-at-harvard-medical-school-work-together-on-solutions">institutions, and organisations such as Proofig and a STM-STEC working group on image…
  • Case

    Suspected contact between reviewer and an author led to coauthorship of the reviewer

    A manuscript was submitted via our electronic submission system and processed in accordance with the standard procedures of the journal. This was originally a single author submission, and in the covering letter the author suggested two potential reviewers. The Associate Editor assigned reviewers, choosing reviewer A along the suggestions of the author, and reviewer B from his own list…
  • Case

    Fraud or sloppiness in a submitted manuscript

    In June 2014 we received a manuscript by four authors from a well known research institution. They described a randomized trial comparing a variation in a procedure with standard care. In total, 200 patients were randomized, 100 to each arm. As measured by an interview, patients undergoing the new procedure were statistically significantly more content than those in the control arm. This…
  • Case

    Reviewer requesting addition of multiple citations of their own work

    …handling editors to ensure they are all familiar with COPE and the journals ethical standards, and to ensure they are looking out for cases of citation manipulation. Instructions to reviewers have also been updated to make it clear that there must always be a scientifically legitimate reason to suggest the author add citations to existing scholarship. Question(s) for the COPE Forum…
  • Become a member

    Becoming a member of COPE shows that you, your journal, publisher, organisation, university or research institute intends to follow the highest standards of publication ethics and to apply COPE principles of publication ethics outlined in the Core Practices. By joining COPE you will help support our work in promoting publication…
  • Seminars and webinars

    Handling a case of misconduct

    …although they can present difficulties when more information is needed. Perceptions of the process, standards of knowledge, and the resources and time required are identified as key areas where change would be welcome, especially in de-stigmatising corrections that protect the scholarly record.  Back to top
  • News

    Data and reproducibility: The role of research institutions

    …src="/files/u7140/DORA_logo.png" style="width: 179px; height: 90px; margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 3px; float: right;" />This is consistent with other broader discussions internationally, such as the DORA initiative, which promote a reevaluation of traditional metrics (e.g., journal impact factors) used to hire, promote, and tenure researchers, and calls for the…
  • COPE team

    …David has worked in publishing and communications teams in the non-profit sector for over 15 years. His last role was in the editorial team at Amnesty International. David is a full time employee of COPE. Len Gibbins Administrator…
  • Forum discussion topics

    Artificial intelligence (AI) and fake papers

    …Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal for Educational Integrity (Springer Nature), a Q1 (Education) journal published by BMC Springer. Dr. Eaton is the co-founder and co-editor of Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity. Dr Marie Souliére, Senior Publishing Manager, Frontiers. Elected Council Member, COPE Dr Soulière leads strategic publishing projects in open-access publishing, with…
  • News

    Case Discussion: Data fabrication in a rejected manuscript

    …of reporting guidelines and registration of clinical trials and other study designs according to standard practice in their discipline.” The contents of the case and the Core Practice might initially suggest relevance only to policies and processes in medical publishing. However, they apply to all disciplines that collect data and have implications for journals (and other scholarly publications…
  • News

    Case Discussion: Possible plagiarism

    …to publish a correction? Forum Advice The Forum agreed that a correction was appropriate. Although the Forum noted the lack of standard procedures for corrections/retractions and handling plagiarism in book publishing, it recommended that COPE flowcharts on plagiarism be followed. Case Discussion This archived COPE Forum case is…
  • News

    Case discussion: Possible breach of reviewer confidentiality

    …peer review processes are transparent, understandable, and accessible. In particular, the type/s of peer review model offered and instructions about expected responsibilities, behaviour, performance, and ethical standards of peer reviewers should be clearly stated in the journal’s website and invitation to review. Relevant COPE guidance that can be referenced or incorporated into journal…
  • News

    Letter from the COPE co-Chairs: June 2018

    …reflected intensely personal feelings about an underserved population and while it might be termed quality improvement, participation required an Internal Review Board (IRB) assessment and staff consent. Notwithstanding the sensitive nature of the survey and the possible implications for the employee, the director of research argued that it was not “really research” since it involved employees who were…
  • News

    WCRI 2019: Predatory publishing plenary

    …-new/principles-transparency-and-best-practice-scholarly-publishing). Predators harm legitimate publishers by confusing authors, winning the race when authors illegitimately submit to two journals (as they do no peer review), and degrading standards by lowering author expectations of peer review and increasing their expectations of speed, among other concerns. Predatory publishing is part of…
  • Case

    The judgement of Solomon: a case of two strikingly similar papers

    Both papers are likely to be accepted and once the final decisions have been made, we will send all of the documentation to our independent Quality Standards Advisory Group for a report that will be shared with the authors. The COPE report, with your permission, will form a valuable part of the documentation…
  • Case

    Critical comment and conflict of interest

    …Dr Y again appealed to the Publisher to retract the work due to its noncompliance with the company’s editorial policy and ethics standards. A note has been sent to Dr Y informing them that the Publisher is investigating this issue.    The Publisher has concluded that:  The tone and language of the paper by Dr X are not appropriate for publication. There are a number of…
  • Case

    Editor and reviewers requiring authors to cite their own work

    …sufficient and closed the case. In response to this case, the journal staff have added time to the journal’s annual meeting with the handling editors for review of editorial ethics, to ensure that all editors are familiar with COPE and the journal’s ethical standards. The journal’s code of ethics is also included in the handbook provided to all handling editors, and editors will be asked to sign an…
  • Case

    Institution refuses to investigate scientific issues

    …contacted but that the concerns have not been resolved. Another option might be to ask the reader who brought up the issue to write a commentary and allow others to dig deeper into the issue. In general, journals or publishers cannot always depend on an institution when deciding whether or not to retract an article because standards differ across institution. A journal needs to adhere to its…
  • Seminars and webinars

    Seminar 2021: How do publication ethics practices for journals apply to book publishing?

    …Publishing Services with overall responsibility for Springer’s strategy and standards on publication ethics, providing expert advice on ethical issues, and overseeing other activities such as annual year reporting for Journal Editors, abstracting & indexing and digital preservation.
