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Showing 101–120 of 333 results
  • News

    Artificial intelligence in the news

    …are already using automated tools with a degree of AI for tasks like  generating research questions and assisting with literature reviews, generating slide decks from a prompt, and creating and editing original videos from text prompts (see the
  • eLearning

    Liz Wager, Former Chair of COPE, discusses the COPE eLearning course COPE is committed to improving editors' abilities to deal with publication misconduct.…
  • Case

    Suspicion that signed informed consent forms are forged

    …for educative purposes. The editors should also consider whether there is enough evidence to suggest research misconduct, in which case the authors’ institution should be informed (in neutral terms, with the authors potentially copied).  The editors may find COPE’s guidance on
  • News feeds (RSS)

    These news feeds allow you to see when new content has been added to the COPE website. You can get the latest cases, members, news & events and publication ethics blog entries as soon as they are published, without having to visit the website. Feeds are also known as RSS. There is some discussion as to what RSS stands for, but most people plump for 'Really Simple Syndication'. In essence,…
  • Case

    Competing interests question

    …declaration of interests sufficient in its current form? Seeing that approximately 1% of evaluators declare any competing interests when probably 90% (again, a rough guess) have interests with regards to the articles they evaluate, would you have any suggestions on how we could improve the situation?…
  • Case

    Reviewer requests to be added as an author after publication

    A paper was submitted to our journal. The associate editor assigned to the paper immediately assigned a reviewer who he knew was well qualified to give a good review, as they had worked with the authors before. The editor did think it odd that the reviewer was not an author on this particular paper, given the close collaboration. However, when invited, the reviewer (R1), did not flag up any con…
  • News

    In the news: April 2020

    …December 2019, the Preprints I/O Workshop explored ways to expand and leverage the preprint platform. This is a report from a survey of 44 platforms that host…
  • News

    Letter from the COPE co-Chairs: July 2018

    …href="">Chris Graf and Geri Pearson 
  • News

    Letter from the COPE Chair: May 2021

    …but their name is added for reasons of perceived duty, respect, or friendship. The cases illustrate situations you might come across as an editor, with guidance and suggestions for both editors and authors in dealing with this type of unethical behaviour. COPE’s authorship discussion document, last reviewed…
  • News

    Two new flowcharts and two revisions

    …flowcharts have been added to the 'full set of flowcharts' PDF:…
  • Case

    Habitual plagiarist

    Author F published a single case report (CR1) in my journal. A few months later, I received a letter from author G who claimed that the case published by author F was a verbatim copy of his case report published in another journal H. On comparison of the documents it was obvious that CR1 was an exact reproduction of the article of author G. More than 90% of the sentences overlapped in both…
  • News

    Letter from the COPE co-Chairs: May 2018

    …Unported license, used here with attribution to Ananian)  COPE co-chairs Chris Graf and Geri Pearson 
  • News

    Letter from the COPE Chair: June 2019

    …scholarly integrity.  We hope you all enjoy the summer whether on vacation or using the extra time to work on scholarship.    COPE Chair Deborah…
  • News

    Letter from the COPE Chair: July 2020

    …href="">standard taxonomy for peer review. Wishing you all the best. COPE Chair Deborah Poff, CM, PhD  …
  • Case

    Supervisor publishes PhD students work

    The PhD supervisor and a co-supervisor published a paper. The paper contained the work of a PhD student; approximately 90% of the paper was from the thesis. The PhD student found out when the paper was electronically pre-published. He contacted the supervisor. The supervisor’s first reaction was “How did you find out”? The supervisor did not want to include the PhD student as an author since…
  • Case

    Late addition of co-authors

    …authors claimed that the corresponding author did not have that much experience in article publication previously, and so did not pay attention to the list of authors. This is how the other authors' names were missed. It should be noted that the other six authors are included on their profile now. However, it is not possible to follow the exact date that these names are added to the profile.
  • News

    Letter from the COPE co-Chairs: June 2018

    …10.1177/1556264615571558. COPE co-chairs Chris Graf and Geri Pearson 
  • News

    Editor to Editor support for Journal Management

    …Practices for Journal Websites (INANE collaborators 2016). Another related project is the recently published paper examining 80 nursing journals for adequacy of their author guidelines, conducted by Oermann and colleagues  (
  • Case

    Ethical approval requirements for case study reports

    …should pay equal attention even if it is decided that informed consent for research does not apply to case reports or case series. COPE has guidelines regarding patient consent in case reports. It should be noted that these stipulate that journals…
  • News

    Letter from COPE Vice-Chair: October 2018

    … Read October Digest: Journal Management with new and updated cases from the COPE Forum, new resources around our topic of Journal Management including a fully…
