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Search results for 'International standards for editors and authors'

Showing 981–1000 of 1054 results
  • Event

    COPE 25th anniversary seminar, 2022

    editors/publishers and universities. The seminar sessions will be of interest to editors, publishers, authors and all those interested in publication ethics. #C0PE25 Creating a culture of publication integrity together Keynote address Book wars: the impact of the digital revolution on Anglo-American trade publishing John B Thompson discusses the digital revolution in…
  • Seminars and webinars

    COPE webinar: Enhancing partnerships of institutions and journals

    ….1186/s41073-021-00109-3">Cooperation and Liaison between Universities and Editors (CLUE) guidelines which include recommendations for institutions and editors when investigating potential misconduct. Sabine reflected on the 2022 survey of UK universities which aimed to understand the barriers in implementing CLUE guidelines and the problems universities have when they try to contact publishers.
  • Flowcharts

    Undisclosed conflict of interest in a submitted manuscript

    This flowchart offers editors a step-by-step process on handling cases where a potential conflict of interest is suspected during the reviewing process. Undisclosed conflict of interest in a submitted manuscript
  • Case

    How to correct a published paper

    A paper was published in July 2012. The author was told by their institution that one of the figures had to be replaced, in the interests of national security. Failure to do this would result in imprisonment. The editor checked with one of his reviewers who said that replacing the figure will not affect the results or conclusions of the paper. So, can we replace the published version…
  • Case

    Online trial of a new diagnostic tool

    …at all. - Despite the claim that no relationship was formed, there is a de facto therapeutic relationship. - The paper indicated that the website was carrying out research on “patients” and so it could be argued that ethics approval should be sought. - The editor should engage the authors in a debate about the fact that there is a de facto relationship that could potentially harm vulnerable…
  • News

    Vacancies on COPE Council

    …href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Trustee Board,  who is ultimately responsible for the financial, legal and business operations of COPE as a charitable business and gives authority to Council and the Executive Office to manage the operational activities of the organisation. Council currently comprises…
  • Flowcharts

    When institutions are contacted by journals

    A journal editor or publisher raises an ethical issue or concern about an article either before or after publication. The flowchart offers the institution a step by step process on handling the issue. Guidance for when institutions are contacted by journals…
  • News

    Citations: Link, Locate, Discover, Connect

    …Guest article Written by Marie E. McVeigh, Product Director, JCR  and Nandita A. Quaderi, Editor-in-Chief, Web of Science Why cite? Citation is an essential aspect of scholarly writing. Reference to other literature embeds the current work in the context of existing knowledge, supporting or disputing other works, and establishing the authority of the scholarly…
  • News

    Letter from the COPE co-Chairs: May 2018

    …Starting the conversation: Outcomes from a research integrity workshop for research institutions, editors and publishers On April 25th members of the Russell Group Integrity Forum met with…
  • News

    Diversity in Peer Review: Survey Results

    …src="/files/u7140/Diversity%20applies%20to.png" style="width: 200px; height: 157px; margin: 3px; float: right;" />Diversity and inclusion apply to  Editors/Editorial boards of publications (89%)  Peer reviewers for publications (87%)  Peer review panels for funding/awards (79%)  Peer review panels for job applications/promotions/tenure (79%)  Other (3%), including conference…
  • News

    In the news: August 2021

    …researchers avoid predatory journals. Authorship and Contributorship The Council of Science Editors (CSE) gives an annual award each year for Meritorious Achievement, to a person or institution that embraces the purposes of CSE, that is, “the improvement of scientific communication through the pursuit of high standards in all activities connected with editing”. This year the
  • News

    In the news: April 2020

    …Diversity & Inclusion In a study of gender bias in 145 journals in various areas of research, including 1.7 million authors and 740,00 referees, these authors show that in biomedicine and health journals women authors were treated generally favourably by editors and reviewers. This is in contrast to social science and humanity journals. The authors advocate for
  • FORUM DISCUSSION TOPIC: comments please

    authors, peer reviewers, editorial boards, and academic and professional societies, as well as editorial and publishing personnel. Among recent initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion in research publishing are the publication of the Diversity and Inclusion Manifesto for Scholarly Publishing by the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers [1] and the establishment of the…
  • News

    Letter from the COPE Chair: January 2020

    …of predatory publishing for unknowing scholars and authors? What are the important distinctions between the moral and legal issues with predatory publishing? We also draw your attention to a recent commentary in Nature that was the outcome document from a 2019 summit on predatory publishing, hosted by the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute of the University of…
  • News

    Guest editorial: Tackling paper mills

    …well as advising on additional good practices for Portland Press and the Editorial Board to take forward. With the support from the Biochemical Society’s Publications Committee, proposals were made to immediately strengthen our editorial policies and peer review processes. Most significant in our initial tackling of these submissions were mandatory requirements for authors to include the raw…
  • News

    Letter from the COPE co-Chairs: March 2019

    …agreement, a clear defined contribution to the manuscript, all author approval and copyright agreement. In spite of the increased clarity for most journals and editors, there remains the room for error, dispute and disagreement. This is evidenced in the cases submitted to COPE’s Facilitation and Integrity subcommittee and…
  • News

    In the news: July 2021

    …-self-plagiarism-ok-new-guidelines-offer-researchers-rules-recycling-text" target="_blank">Responding to limited guidance on text recycling, Cary Moskovitz began the Text Recycling Research Project and has released guidance for editors and authors, in order to make the practice when necessary transparent, ethical and legal.  Alexandra Elbakyan, the founder of Sci-Hub in 2011, has complied with an order by the High…
  • News

    COPE at Sense about Science workshop. Peer review: the nuts and bolts

    …improve their work (a sentiment borne out by Sense about Science’s own survey findings in 2009). Sabina Alam (Editorial Director of F1000 Platforms) shared her experience of peer review from the perspective of an author and also editor. She debunked a few myths that peer review should be all about ‘finding fault’ when it can…
  • Seminars and webinars

    Seminar 2021: Ethical practice in research data publication - challenges, lessons and opportunities

    …institutions to manage datasets, and the consistency, standardisation and quality of workflows, and queried whether institutional policies adequately cover the range of scenarios around dataset management which Daniella mentioned in her comments. Data journal editor
  • Case

    Duplicate publication

    We were made aware of a double publication in our journal dating from 20 years ago. A paper which was originally published in French in another journal the year previously was translated and published in our journal. The editorial paperwork is long lost, however, the principal author is a member of our editorial board. They readily responded and explained that it was not uncommon at that time…
