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ISMTE European Conference 2019

3 October 2019 - 9:00am
University of Oxford, UK

Chris Graf, COPE Past co-Chair, will speak at ISMTE's European conference themed "Working together through change". The COPE session, Change and constants at COPE,  will look at new ethical challenges facing journal editorial and peer review processes and how journals need to adapt to face these. 

Aspiring to better practice in publication ethics and research integrity means promoting respect for and between researchers, authors, peer reviewers, journal editors, and research administrators. It means supporting their best efforts to respect research participants, subjects, animals, and the environment. It means promoting respect for the people who benefit from well-conducted and well-communicated research: Us all.

But while these standards remain, research and research publishing are changing at speed. In this session, COPE Trustee and Immediate Past Co-Chair Chris Graf will describe what COPE is doing right now to provide answers to emerging and often difficult publishing ethics questions in a world that’s changing, fast.

There is an exciting agenda planned including sessions on topics such as AI in editorial and peer review workflows, improving submission quality, and graphical and video abstracts. Attendees can save $50 by registering before September 16.