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COPE Forum: April 2018

30 April 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm

Open to COPE members only.

Our Forum, where we discuss cases submitted by members, will take place on 30 April from 4-5.30pm (GMT). Taking part in the Forum allows members to contribute to, as well as learn from, the cases being discussed.

We will also be discussing Preprints: Continuing the conversation during the Forum. You are welcome to add your comments on this topic before the Forum, whether or not you are attending the Forum.

Deadline to register: Friday 27 April


Forum agenda and materials

The agenda for the COPE Forum on Monday 30 April:

1. Update on COPE activities by the Chair

2. Forum discussion: Preprints

3. New cases
18-02 Dispute between two authors (AC)

18-03 Editor and reviewers requiring authors to cite their own work (LJ)

18-04 License for a published scale (ES)

18-05 Undisclosed conflict of interest (GE)

18-06 Retrospective registration, outcome switching and ethical approval (EH)

4. Updates
18-01 License for using a published scale

Forum agenda and materials