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Life sciences

Includes agricultural sciences/natural resources, biological/biomedical sciences, health sciences including dentistry, nursing, allied health, veterinary science

Microscopy and Microanalysis

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Ukrainian authors request retraction of article in Russian conference proceedings


A journal has been contacted by a group of authors from Ukraine who wish to retract their article because of acute ethical issues in relation to the war with Russia. The authors are employees of a research institute in Ukraine. When preparing their article they were not fully informed about the country of the organisers of the conference. They are concerned that participation in a Russian conference may bring dismissal from their posts, and also potentially imprisonment. 

African Journal of Psychological Assessment

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South African Family Practice

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Should we allow pseudonymous authorship?


We are handling a manuscript that is now ready for acceptance. During the review process we noticed that one coauthor had the surname "999" and this coauthor and two others had the affiliation "Independent researcher". We asked the corresponding author what this meant. Their answer was that the names of two of these three authors, including "999", were pseudonyms.

Spinal Cord

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Balancing anonymisation and open science during peer-review


As an editor of a journal with a double-anonymous peer review system, I often wonder about the right balance between open science practices and anonymisation of the manuscript for the review process. How much anonymisation is enough while being compatible with open science dissemination?


Potential peer reviewer misconduct


A journal received the recommendation of a peer reviewer which expressed doubts about the validity of some of the data in an article. The editor-in-chief got in touch directly with the author and mediated to have the data validated by an outside contributor.

The authors responded by providing data validation by a colleague, who is now becoming a potential coauthor. The initial data were provided by the author and were convincingly validated.

Annual Review of Nutrition

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Annual Review of Neuroscience

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