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New members: November 2019-April 2020

Welcome to new COPE members who have joined us as journal, publisher or associate members. New members have been assessed against criteria outlined in the Principles of Transparency. Signing up to COPE shows that they intend to follow the highest standards of publication ethics and to apply COPE principles of publication ethics outlined in the Core Practices.

New members


Archives of Breast Cancer

Blood Advances

Jurnal Hubungan Internasional

International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research

Kocaeli University

Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum

Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences

Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science

Emerging Science Journal

Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology


Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Science

Journal of Hospital Medicine



Atlantis Press (11 member journals)

Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) (48 member journals)


Associate members

David Ginley

Jigisha Patel

Carl Taswell

Charon Pierson

Mathura Shanmugasunderam

Sidharth Sonthalia

Amber Osman

ReviewerCredits Srl