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CSM 2020: Scientific publication, get to the next level

13 February 2020 - 8:00am to 10:00am
Denver, USA

Rachel Safer, COPE Council, is speaking at The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) annual meeting at the session on publication ethics.

This is what you can expect from the session:

Ever feel like scientific publishing is a Mario Bros video game? In publication ethics, there are such hazards as conflicts of interest, authorship disputes, and self-plagiarism. In clinical trial reporting, there are complex requirements, such as prospective registration. Whether you are an author or a reviewer (and you may be both), there often is confusion about the important differences between case reports and research studies. Qualitative methods, meanwhile, can seem like a mystery box. PTJ Editor-in-Chief Alan Jette and Editorial Board members Kathleen Gill-Body and Mari Lundberg, along with Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Council Member Rachel Safer, will help you navigate and get through to the next level! This multipart session will cover ethical issues in scientific publishing and the challenges in reporting and reviewing clinical trials, qualitative research, and case reports.

APTA CSM Annual Conference